Saturday, February 21, 2015

Introductory Blog Post

This blog is going follow the theme of war throughout American literature after 1865, unless I come across something from before that time period that I can't resist sharing. I find war stories fascinating and I enjoy reading books about the World Wars, the Civil War, the American Revolution, or even fictional wars. We have already looked at some stories that have a war theme, such as Editha and currently The Red Badge of Courage, and I plan to revisit those in my posts as well as introduce new stories, poems, songs, and thoughts as well.

Disclaimer: I feel that it's necessary to mention that I am not some kind of war fanatic and I think every other viable option should be explored before declaring war; I just enjoy learning about it and from it.

Picture retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. The disclaimer caught my eye from the very beginning. I am not an advocate of war, and I tend to shy away from confrontation; It just makes me terribly uncomfortable. However, my dad served in World War II in the Navy, and many of my friends served and lost their lives in Vietnam. My family on my mother's side were Quakers so many of my distant cousins did not serve because of their religious views. However, I too enjoy learning from what has happened in history and hope that we can avoid repeating those times when we were called to war.
