Tuesday, May 5, 2015

End of the Semester Thoughts

Wow, the final post. The end of the semester is here. We have been through so many wars and battle of different sorts during the last sixteen weeks. We experienced running away from battle with Henry Fleming in The Red Badge of Courage, we were horrified as Editha guilt-tripped her fiancee into going into battle and angry when he died, we went through the mental battle of Stanley vs. Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire, all while dealing with the struggles of our own lives. In some of these stories, the hero succeeded--in some, they didn't. As we leave the world of Ivy Tech and American Literature (although as long as we're reading, we never truly leave it...so keep reading!!!), some of you for good, keep these characters in mind. What did they teach you? Did they show you how to act or how not to act? What was the author's intention behind the story?

I hope you all go on to succeed in whatever you set out to do. Don't give up especially when it seems impossible. Congratulations to the graduates! You did it! It's been a joy to be in the same class and learn from your discussion board posts and talk with you over Blackboard IM. Thank you all for a great semester!

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