Monday, October 12, 2015

Introduction to Stories of War Part 2

 Greetings to all of you new bloggers!

As many of you know, I have already taken the second half of this course. As a result, I already have a blog started from last semester. It may seem a little odd since I'm going back in time but since I covered from 1865 to present in my previous posts, this semesters entries will be covering stories about war from the beginning of America to 1865. I'm excited to start blogging again and looking at poems, short stories, speeches, and anything else I might come across.

Interestingly enough, the very first story in the textbook, The Iroquois Creation Story, is not only a story about creation but one about a war.

It starts out with a woman who is pregnant with twins and before they are even born the twins are in a battle. One twin is evil and tries to burst from the mother's side and the other, good twin tries to prevent him. The mother dies but the twins survive and the good one, Enigorio, goes on to create the world. The bad one, Enigonhahetgea, went about sabotaging his work and making harmful things.

Eventually the twins battle to the death and the good one, Enigorio, wins. Despite the fact that this is not how I believe the world came into existence, I find it very symbolic that evil will not triumph. Not in the beginning and not in the end.

This war between good and evil has been around from the beginning of everything, not just the beginning of American Literature. It's still going on today and it will continue to go on until the world ceases to be. I think we can see that quite clearly in today's time. We just have to continue bringing out the good in the world and trying to be the good in the world until that time comes.

Happy blogging, folks!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I remember reading this story in high school Tara, and it is interesting how even people back in those times could see the spiritual battles of right and wrong in the world. I think what is most interesting, is their take on the creation of the world, and how similar it is to a Christian's belief on the creation of the world. There is a battle, that is definite, and seeing that people believe good always triumphs over evil has not changed for centuries, and I think something that must be instilled in us to believe since we were born, no matter what you may believe about anything else. It makes me think about the fairy tales, and how everything seems to turn out right and good in the end. Who doesn't love a story without it? The fact is though, that in reality, each person's life is a story, yet there is an even bigger story that engulfs all of ours. In God's story it all turns out good in the end, but maybe not for everyone's individual story. Anyway, thanks for the new perspective, and reminder of spiritual warfare!
